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Automotive Assembly Applications

Posilift have supplied and installed many lift assist devices  – industrial manipulators, balancers and servo hoists –  for automotive assembly lines, stamping lines, welding lines and coating lines.

We have sold and installed manipulators for all the car assembly stations including doosr off and doors on stations, dashboards, front end installation, installation of car batteries, front and rear seats, tires, sunroof, engines, windshields as well as the undercar components.

Lift, Move, Rotate, Incline, Position:  Posilift offers a wide variety of Industrial Manipulators for the easy and safe repetitive handling of products used in the automotive industry.

Many Gripping Styles: Pneumatic or Mechanical Grippers, Vacuum Suction Cups,

Many Configurations: Column Mounted, Overhead Fixed, Overhead Trolley Mounted or Floor Trolley Mounted.

Our equipment is specifically designed to suit your operation.


It is likely that Posilift or one of our Suppliers has already solved your Materials Handling Problem somewhere in the world.



Level 13, Suite 1A,
465 Victoria Avenue

Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia

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